About us
Centre Glenville UMC was officially founded in 1838 and the first official church building completed construction in 1840. The church building as we know it today is not the original church. The first building completed construction in 1840 and since then the church has gone through several renovations and has even moved from what is now the parking lot. For those interested, extensive documentation on our history and volumes of photographs are available. We owe much of this to Emma Lou Farrington, one of our chief historians. You can view one of her works, our 1988 Sesquicentennial here.
We are a close family of friends and neighbors. Our prayer is that you will feel the love, warmth, and inspiration of Christ's love and the presence of the Holy Spirit as we worship God together and share in Christian fellowship and love.
We are a part of the Upper New York Conference of the United Methodist Church.